Thursday - July 25, 2024
#Flowchart #Algorithm #Blog #C Program

Define a Algorithm and Flowchart


Q) Define the algorithm. what are the characteristics of the algorithm?

  • An algorithm is a well-defined finite set of instructions that accomplishes a particular task, which may or may not take input and produce some value as output.

Following are the characteristics of the algorithm

  • Input Every algorithm should accept some data as input.
  • Output Every algorithm should produce output.
  • Finiteness Algorithm must terminate after a finite number of steps.
  • Definiteness Each instruction should be clear & unambiguous.
  • Correctness For every input instance, it must generate the correct output.
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Define a flowchart.

Give the symbols used in the flowchart.

  • A flowchart is the pictorial or symbolic representation of an algorithm.
  • It shows the logic of the algorithm and the flow of control. it uses symbols to represent specific actions and arrows to indicate the flow of control