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What main causes of Population Explosion

Population Explosion of population growth

what is population explosion

The tremendous and rapid increase in the number of individuals in the population in a relatively short period is called a population explosion. 

  • The entire world is facing the problem of population explosion. In 1900 it was about 100 crores while in 1980 was up to 450 crores. In 80 years time span, the world population increased by more than 4 times. 
  • This indicates that growth is without birth limitations. India is also a victim of a population explosion. In the last 50 years, our population is increased from 36 to more than 100 crores.
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What main causes of Population Explosion 2024

Causes of population explosion

What causes of population explosion

The main and important cause of the population explosion is the increased birth rate and decreased death rate. Another reason for the high birth rate in our country is early marriage and superstition.

  1. Advancement in medical science has played an important role in increasing the birth rate and life span and decreasing the death rate.
  2. The majority of people of India are illiterate and ignorant of family planning and so they go on reproducing.

The phrase “population explosion” describes a fast and ongoing growth in the number of people in a certain area. This phenomenon has been seen in many different places and has several interrelated reasons.

  • reduction in Death Rates: A major reduction in death rates is one of the main causes of the population boom. The mortality rate has decreased as a result of improvements in cleanliness, access to healthcare, and nutrition. This indicates that a greater number of people are reaching reproductive age and fueling population increase.
  • Increased Birth Rates: Certain regions have historically seen high birth rates, which have coincided with lowering mortality rates. Higher birth rates have resulted in an exponential rise in population throughout time due to cultural, religious, and customary attitudes toward big families.
  • Technological Innovations and Progress: Supporting expanding populations has been made possible by technological advancements. For instance, agricultural developments have boosted food output and enhanced food security, enabling the support of more people. Higher birth rates and decreased death rates have resulted from this, in turn.
  • People have been drawn to cities by the process of urbanization in search of better jobs and living options. Due to variables including access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities, birth rates are frequently higher in urban areas, which contributes to population increase.
  • Lack of Family Planning: Larger families and higher birth rates are more likely in areas with inadequate family planning services and access to contraception. Population booms may result from the infrastructure for family planning is lacking.
  • Large families are valued in some cultures and communities because they are seen as a source of strength and stability. As a result, cultural norms and beliefs may be against family planning and favour population growth.
  • Immigration: Moving from one location to another can occasionally help the population of the receiving area increase. In their new homes, immigrants frequently settle down and raise families, which increases the local population.

Over the past century, as a result of the interaction of these variables, the population has grown significantly at a previously unheard-of rate. Population growth is still a concern in some parts of the world, having an impact on resource distribution, environmental sustainability, and general quality of life. This is despite the fact that the growth rate has slowed down in some areas due to socioeconomic development and better access to education and family planning.

Control Measure of Population Explosion

The entire world is facing the problem of population explosion. The problem becomes more severe among developing countries like India. In 1976, Govt. If India has launched a national population policy.

Aim of policy:

  1. To bring awareness among the people to adopt small family norms.
  2. The policy suggests two types of measures for birth control,
  • Direct or clinical measures.
  • Indirect or educational measures.

Director clinical methods

The direct measures are mainly aimed at family planning. It includes the following measures.

  1. Sterilization: It is an operative method of birth control for both sexes. It includes vasectomy for males and tubectomy for females.
  2. Use for contraceptives:  It includes both mechanical and chemical devices to avoid pregnancy. E.g. Nirodh or condoms for males and copper T or mala pills for females. 
  3. Abortion: Unwanted pregnancy can be legally terminated. 
  4. Marriageable age:  It is increased for girls from 15-18 years and for boys from 18-21 years.

Indirect or educational methods

  • The indirect measures are mainly aimed at, bringing awareness among people about family planning. 
  • To educate the people about family planning and To motivate them for the success of family planning programmes. 
  • It includes the following measures, Girl education more attention is paid to girls’ education to educate the whole family.
  • Use of communication media includes the use of radio, TV, newspaper, films, posters, magazines etc. For spreading the knowledge about family planning, birth control and the effect of population explosion on our life.
  • Incentives

Monitory incentives are given to those

  • Who undergo sterilization
  • Promoters and
  • Research workers.
  • Financial assistance.

For family planning programs financial assistance must be given from,

  • Central to the state government and,
  • State to village levels.