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#C, C++ and C# #Blog #C Program #Computer Science

C Programming Examples with Output Part – 4

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1) What is the output of the following program? – 3 Value Increment decrement

void main()
             int  x=125, y=140, z=175;
             char a= 'A', b='B', c='c';

             X= ++X + --Y + Z--;
             Y=X-- + ++Y + Z++;
             Z=--X + Y + Z++;
             A= A++;
             C= --C+ 1;

            printf ("x=%d y=%d z=%d/n", x, y, z);
            printf (" a=%c b=%c c=%c/n", a, b, c);
            printf ("a=%d b=%d c=%d/n", a,b,c);

x=438 y=754 z=1368
a=B b=C c=C
a-66 b=67 c=67