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#C, C++ and C# #Algorithm #Blog #C Program

What is Structure in C program

Structure of the C program

Q) Draw the structure of the C program. Also, give one example.

Q) Write and explain the structure of a C program.

Almost all programs are written using the following general structure.

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Document section:

This section consists of a set of comment lines that describe the name of the program, its purpose and other information.

E.g   /*

      This is my first C program


  • Link section:

This section contains the instruction for linking the library function with the program. It general contents #include preprocessor directives.

E.g.  # include  <studio.h>

  • Definition section:

This section is used to define the symbolic constants used in the program. It generally contains #define preprocessor directive.


#define PI 3.14

  • Global Declaration Section:

This section is used for global variable declaration and function declaration used in the program.


int maximum (int, int);

  • main() function section:

Every program must contain the function called the main()function. The execution of a program is started from the main() function.


  voild main()




  • Sub-program section:

This section is used to define the user-defined function.

E.g.voild test()




  • E.g.

/*Document section (program for addition)*/

# include <stdio.h>  /* Link section */

void main()         /*main() function*/


int a=10, b=5, c;

c = a + b ;

printf(“addition is =%d”, c);


What is Structure in C program

What is Escape sequence…?