Wednesday - July 24, 2024
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What is Water Harvesting

Water Harvesting

  • Water harvesting is an activity of some direct collection of rainwater. Then rainwater collected can be stored for direct use and can be recharged the groundwater.
  • Rain is the first form of water and hence is a primary source of water for us.
  • Rivers and groundwater are all secondary sources of water. 
  • At present today, we depend completely on such secondary sources of water.
  • In the process, it is forgotten that rain is the ultimate source that feeds all these secondary sources and remains ignorant of its value.
  • Water harvesting means understanding the value of rain also to make optimum use of the rainwater in the place where it falls.
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Therefore, rainwater harvesting don be undertaken through a variety of customs

  • Capturing runoff of rooftops
  • Capturing runoff of town catchments
  • Capturing seasonal floodwaters of limited streams
  • Conserving water in Watershed management

These techniques packages serve the resulting purposes:

  • Produce drinking water
  • Produce irrigation water
  • Improve groundwater recharge
  • Reduce stormwater discharges, urban tides and overloading of sewage treatment bulbs.

Need for rainwater harvesting

  • To provide supplemental water toward the city’s requirement, to develop soil moisture levels during urban greenery and to improve the groundwater table through artificial recharge.
  • Rainwater is a clean, inexpensive and readily convenient source of water. Even in badlands areas, substantial amounts of rainwater are being collected, stored also managed for a variety of purposes, including drinking water.
  • For every inch of rain that falls on one square meter of surface, the whole rainwater harvesting method can collect .623 tuns like water. That’s 620 tons of liquid for 1,000 square piers of surface area.
  • The world’s population soon exceeds 6 billion people. Previously one-third of this population does not have satisfactory drinking water, much shorter water for agriculture. Not enough water for agriculture means that these portions of the population cannot produce enough food, further straining the world’s resources, expanding famine, disease and wars over food supplies, water and more desirable land.
  • In several parts of the world, people depended upon aquifers (underground deposits of water) for drinking, cooking, washing and irrigation inadequacies. These aquifers give “recharge” slowly as rainwater flows down through layers of earth and rock. Unfortunately, in extremely of the world, including North America and Europe, certain aquifers are being drawn feather faster than they can recharge.
  • In many urban ranges, however, there is negative even enough outside water to adequately satisfy the population.
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Elements of a typical water harvesting system

  • These are the five elements of a typical rainwater harvesting system according to the Water Use and Conservation Bureau of New Mexico.
  • Catchment: Any surface such as paved areas, roofs or soil surfaces can collect rainwater. The most efficient catchment areas are smooth non-permeable surfaces. How much rainwater can be collected depends on the area, slope, surface texture and the amount of rain.
  • Conveyance: Conveyance components move the water to a specific area in the landscape or to a storage container.  Roof gutters and downspouts are the most common conveyance components.  Most often gravity moves the water from the highest place to the lowest.  Even in complex systems gravity provides the force needed to direct water through gutters to the storage tanks.
  • Filters: Filters to remove debris are required when rainwater is to be stored.  The easiest filter is a leaf screen at the top of the downspout.  A drip irrigation system requires additional filtering.  Because the first flush of rainwater washes dirt and debris from the roofs, many rainwater harvesting systems divert the first rainwater from the storage tanks.
  • Storage tanks: Rain barrels and cisterns store rainwater for future use.  They should be opaque, shielded from direct sunlight and covered to keep debris and mosquitoes out.  Storage tanks need to be secure from children and regularly cleaned and maintained to ensure optimum water quality.
  • Distribution system: The stored water needs to be delivered from the tanks to the plants.  Depending upon the location of the water cistern and the plants the water distribution system can be as simple as a water valve.  More complex systems include water lines and drip emitters.  To deliver water to the landscape uphill from the cistern an electric pump is necessary.
  • Landscape area: The landscape area where the harvested rainwater is delivered, can be modified to hold the harvested rainwater.
What is Water Harvesting

Method of Water Harvesting