Wednesday - July 24, 2024
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Lintels | Classification of lintels by material

Classification of lintels by material

  • It is a horizontal structural member that is fixed over the opening like a door, window, etc.
  • To support structure over the opening.
  • Generally rectangular in shape.
  • It acts like a beam & transfers load vertically to support the wall.
Lintel, Classification lintel material, types of  Lintel, Wooden lintel, Stone lintel, Brick lintel, Steel lintel, Reinforced concrete lintel,

Classification of lintels by material

  1. Wooden lintels
  2. Stone lintels
  3. Brick lintels
  4. Steel lintels
  5. Reinforced concrete lintels

Wooden lintels

  • In hilly areas, where timber for the construction of lintel is easily available, wooden lintels are commonly used.
  • The use of wooden lintels is very rare on account of the high cost of the material.
  • Timber if not properly ventilated, may be decay.
  • Wood standing is combustible so wooden lintels back side not be recommended for fire-proof construction.
  • Some minimum intensity of the lintel should be 7.6 cm.
Lintel, Classification lintel material, types of  Lintel, Wooden lintel, Stone lintel, Brick lintel, Steel lintel, Reinforced concrete lintel,

Stone lintels

  • The use of stone lintels is very common where stone is available in large quantities.
  • It uses stone masonry structures or buildings.
  • The minimum thickness of the stone lintel is kept at 8 cm.
Lintel, Classification lintel material, types of  Lintel, Wooden lintel, Stone lintel, Brick lintel, Steel lintel, Reinforced concrete lintel,

Brick lintels

  • They are constructed with hard, well-burnt, first-class bricks.
  • Depending on the span their depth varies by 10 cm. Depth of one brick to 20 cm. length of 1 brick.
  • Both are considered suitable for small openings generally not larger than 90 cm in span light loading conditions.
  • Bricks having frogs are more suitable for the construction of lintels.
Lintel, Classification lintel material, types of  Lintel, Wooden lintel, Stone lintel, Brick lintel, Steel lintel, Reinforced concrete lintel,

Steel lintels

  • When the depth of the lintel is to be restricted, then it is common to use steel lintel.
  • It consists of a section of rolled steel joists.
Lintel, Classification lintel material, types of  Lintel, Wooden lintel, Stone lintel, Brick lintel, Steel lintel, Reinforced concrete lintel,

Reinforced concrete lintels

  • On account of durability, strength, and fire-resisting properties, reinforced concrete lintels are very common in use.
  • They are economical and easy to construct.
  • Both can be applied for bigger spans including heavy loading conditions.
  • It is constructed with 1:2:4 cement concrete re­inforced with steel bars.
  • They may be pre-cast or cast-in-situ.
  • The amount of reinforcement depends upon the span of a lintel, the width of the opening & total based load to be supported by the lintel.
  • Each projection in the make of weather shed chajja can be easily taken excuse from the lintel. It should be launched the rainwater away from the wall and prevent the entry of water into the room.
Lintel, Classification lintel material, types of  Lintel, Wooden lintel, Stone lintel, Brick lintel, Steel lintel, Reinforced concrete lintel,