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Stone Masonry | Types of Masonry…?

Stone Masonry
Types of Masonry

What is stone masonry?

Types of Masonry Stonemasonry is made of stone units bonded together with mortar.

Classification or Types of stone masonry

stone masonry, types of masonry, what is stone masonry, classification or types of stone masonry, Rubble masonry, Ashlar masonry,

Rubble Stonemasonry

  1. Random rubble masonry – Coursed – uncursed
  2. Square rubble masonry – Coursed – uncursed
  3. Polygonal rubble masonry
  4. Flint rubble masonry
  5. Dry rubble masonry

Ashlar Stonemasonry

  1. Ashlar fine masonry
  2. Ashlar rough tooled
  3. Rock (or) quarry faced
  4. Ashlar chamfered
  5. Ashlar block in the course
  6. Rubble masonry

Rubble Stonemasonry

  • Random rubble masonry:- In this type of masonry, the stones used are of widely different sizes. That is the roughest also the cheapest mode of stone masonry.
  1. Coursed:- In coursed random rubble masonry, the masonry work is carried out in courses such that the stones in a particular course are of equal height.
  2. Uncoursed:- In un-coursed random rubble masonry, the courses are not maintained regularly. The larger stones are laid first and the spaces between them are then filled up utilizing spalls.
stone masonry, types of masonry, what is stone masonry, classification or types of stone masonry, Rubble masonry, Ashlar masonry,
  • Square rubble masonry:- In this type of masonry stones having straight beds and sides are used. These stones stay usually squared and are also brought to some hammer-dressed or straight-cut finish.
  1. Coursed:- In the coursed squared rubble masonry, the work is carried out in courses of varying depths.
  2. Uncoursed:- In the course squared rubble masonry, the different sizes of stones having straight edges and sides are arranged on the face in several irregular patterns.
  • Polygonal rubble masonry:- In this type of rubble masonry, the stones are hammer dressed. The stones used for facework are dressed in an irregular polygonal shape. Thus the face joints are seen running periodically in all directions.
  • Flint rubble masonry:- In this type of rubble masonry, the stones are hammer dressed. The stones used for facework are dressed in an irregular polygonal shape. Thus the face joints are seen running intermittently in all directions.
  • Dry rubble masonry-In this type of rubble masonry, the stones are hammer dressed. The stones used for facework are dressed in an irregular polygonal shape. Thus the face joints are seen running intermittently in all directions.
stone masonry, types of masonry, what is stone masonry, classification or types of stone masonry, Rubble masonry, Ashlar masonry,

Ashlar Stonemasonry

  • ASHLAR MASONRY:- The work built from carefully dressed stones with accurate bedding and jointing is termed Ashlar masonry
  • ASHLAR FINE MASONRY:- In this type of rubble masonry, the stones are hammer dressed. The stones used for facework are dressed in an irregular shape. Thus the face joints are seen running intermittently in all directions.
stone masonry, types of masonry, what is stone masonry, classification or types of stone masonry, Rubble masonry, Ashlar masonry,
  • Ashlar rough tooled masonry:- In this type of rubble masonry, the stones are hammer dressed. The stones used for facework are dressed in an irregular polygonal shape. Thus the face joints are seen running intermittently in all directions.
  • Ashlar rock or quarry-faced masonry:- In this type of rubble masonry, the stones are hammer dressed. The stones used for facework are dressed in an irregular polygonal shape. Thus the face joints are seen running intermittently in all directions.
  • Ashlar chamfered masonry:- In this type of ashlar masonry, the strip is provided as below. But it is chamfered or bevelled at an angle of 45 degrees utilizing a chisel for a depth of about 25mm.
  • Ashlar back in course masonry:- This is a combination of rubble masonry and ashlar masonry. In this type of mason dry, the face work is provided with rough tooled or hammer dresses stones and the backing of the wall may be made in rubble masonry.
stone masonry, types of masonry, what is stone masonry, classification or types of stone masonry, Rubble masonry, Ashlar masonry,